Intended Use
The Axis-Shield Heparin Binding Protein (HBP) assay is an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for the quantitative determination of Heparin Binding Protein in human plasma.
AlbuVoid Binding Buffer AVBB™
Ready to use, pre-filter with 0.2 um filter
PH 6.0
Optimized for albumin voiding.
Mild binding condition preserves the enzymatic and biological activity.
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Annexin V Binding Assay | TBS2108
Annexin V Binding Kit is designed to detect cell apoptosis induced by a variety of stimuli. It is based on the translocation of the membrane phosphatidylserine...
HemoVoid Binding Buffer HVBB™
Ready to use, pre-filter with 0.2 um filter
PH 6.0
Optimized for hemoglobin voiding.
Mild binding condition preserves the enzymatic and biological activity.
Click Here...