Contain all the oligos and enzymes needed to go from purified blood RNA to sequencing-ready DNA libraries.
The generated 3' mRNA-seq data is ideally suited for differential gene expression analysis.
As compared to other bulk 3' mRNA-seq solutions, BRB-seq makes it possible to process virtually any number of blood RNA samples in one single tube, which helps reduce technical variation, turnaround times and costs.
The particular aspect of the Blood BRB-seq workflow is the addition of proprietary globin blockers directly at the reverse transcription stage, which in turns enable efficient and effortless depletion of unwanted globin genes.
Each kit contains enough reagents (including Unique Dual Indexing oligos) to prepare up-to three sequencing libraries.
After sequencing, the generated data can be easily demultiplexed and aligned to the genome of choice using our dedicated cloud-based pipeline, which does not require prior bioinformatic experience.
How our MERCURIUS™ Blood BRB-seq library preparation kits for Illumina® will advance your research project
MERCURIUS BRB-seq Library Preparation Kit (2 Parts) | ALG-PN10811-KI01
Contain all the oligos and enzymes needed to go from purified RNA to sequencing-ready DNA libraries.
The generated 3' mRNA-seq...