Intact Genomics FastAmp® Plant Direct PCR kit is an easy and robust method to amplify DNA fragments from plant tissues with high specificity and high sensitivity without the need of complicated DNA purification steps. The advanced formulation of this kit also allows fast PCR cycling conditions without compromising PCR sensitivity, specificity and yield. The FastAmp® Plant Direct PCR kit is an ideal and powerful tool for high-throughput genotyping, DNA amplification, and plant genome analysis.
FastAmp® Plant Direct PCR Kit is suitable for amplification of DNA directly from plant samples without purifying DNA. This kit is based on specially engineered Taq DNA polymerase, proprietary buffer system, dNTP, MgCl2 ,PCR facilitators and dye mix which makes it extremely robust and tolerant of plant PCR inhibitors such as complex polysaccharides, polyphenols and others. This kit has been tested with leaves and seeds from a wide variety of plant species. FastAmp® Plant Direct PCR Kit includes a complete set of optimized reagents and detailed protocols making it an ideal choice for amplification of plant DNA without DNA purification.
- Direct PCR- no need to purify DNA
- Specially engineered Taq DNA polymerase with highest sensitivity and specificity
- Extremely short PCR protocol times
- Master mix format with premixed gel loading dye to reduce cross-contamination and sample handling
errors - Optimized for both low and high GC templates
- Genotyping
- Transgene detection
- Knockout analysis
- Sequencing
Product Includes
- FastAmp® Plant Direct PCR master mix (2x)
- FastAmp® Plant Direct PCR/Genotyping Solution
Storage Temperature
Quality Control Assays
FastAmp® Plant Direct PCR Kit has been tested with tissue from a wide variety of plant species, some of the results are included here.
Direct PCR analysis from various 1.2mm punched leaf tissue and scratch tissue using FastAmp® Plant Direct PCR kit
1 Review
I have used this Solution via Direct PCR analysis from various plant tissues in my research. I had good results. I highy recommend it.