Aspergillus galactomannan Ag Virclia® MonoTest | VCM073 | Vircell
Sandwich chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA) for the qualitative detection of Aspergillus galactomannan antigen in serum, plasma and human bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples.
- Monotest format with ready-to-use reagents
- Unique and definitive solution for urgent samples
- Simple and automated protocol with results in 1 hour
- Custom setup of samples and reagents
- Each monodose includes a calibrator and a negative control that enables the validation and interpretation of results for each individual sample
- Allows pipetting from primary sample tube, no further manipulation is needed
VirClia® is the ultimate chemiluminescence solution for the automation of infectious serology in monotest format. Clinical laboratories do not have to accumulate samples thanks to its versatility and efficacy. Moreover, the large number of parameters available will provide laboratories with greater autonomy since they can perform all tests without the need to refer them to external centers.
Clinical analyses are automatically processed on the VirClia®, VirClia® Lotus, and VirClia® Plus instruments.
Main features:
- Works with primary sample tubes
- Calibrator and negative control included in the strip
- Ideal for urgent samples and low-medium number of tests
- Completely versatile, custom setup of different assays
- Barcode reading of samples and reagents
- Intuitive and easy to use software
- LIS Connection: VirCom® middleware